How to make corporate innovation work – entrepreneurial style
Entrepreneurs and startups are currently the most-talked about way to work efficiently with innovation and develop disruptive results. More and more corporations now adopt tools and mindset from this discipline.
As a result we see corporate incubators and accelerators being started, pitching contests, intrapreneur training programs etc.
After visiting large corporations both in Silicon valley, Europe and Sweden and studying this trend we see that many run these activities as startups of their own. What better way then to met up and help each other achieve the best result? At this Tank meeting we will share experiences, study examples and discuss pros and cons from different ways of working with corporate innovation in an entrepreneurial style. By attending you will gain knowledge and insights into what and how you can best use this for your own organisations needs.
The Tank Meeting will take place at the Ideon Science park in Lund, with great networking opportunities with the 450 companies (of which ca 80 startups) and 9000 employees located here.
Topics we will cover:
- What do we mean by a company Accelerator and Incubator, and what value can they bring?
- The Intrapreneur – how do we attract, groom and develop this type of employee?
- Experimentation and prototyping using Innovations labs/Makers space/etc
- A new option – “Collaborative Accelerator” based on Open innovation principles
Time: 09.00 – 16.30
Venue: RISE SICS, Ideon Science Park
Building Beta 5, Scheelevägen 17, SE-223 70 Lund
Switch board +46 462 865 900