Innovation Pioneers Summit is a two-day conference bringing together more than 200 innovation leaders and learners to share, learn and build on each other’s knowledge about the technology and trends that are shaping the world of tomorrow.
This year, the conference will have an even stronger focus on learning through a series of innovation classes, with the aim of giving each participant new insights, tools and ideas to bring back to their own organization. The summit will be held in Stockholm on October 23rd – 24th on the theme ‘building intelligent futures’.
“Innovation Pioneers Summit is about sharing experiences with other innovation leaders, listening to world-renowned speaker and taking part in innovation classes. You always learn something new and meet inspiring people”, says Anna Bäck, Chairman of Innovation Pioneers.
Anna Bäck is an Associate Expert Partner at McKinsey & Company and COO of Veryday, one of the world’s top-ranking design and innovation consultancies. Veryday is one of the initiator companies that was part of starting up the Innovation Pioneers network ten years ago, and they have been an active member since. As of the beginning of the year, Anna is also the Chairman of Innovation Pioneers.
“Innovation Pioneers is such an exciting network, with inspiring members from across different industries. I believe that we have a very important role to play; through innovation sharing and insights we can help lift the innovation abilities across all Swedish industries.”
Innovation classes of 2018
The classroom is an important pillar at Innovation Pioneers Summit, and will be in the center of this year’s event. During the two days, participants will split up into four innovation classes led by industry-leading representatives for learning sessions about disruptive subjects that are affecting society as well as businesses and organizations across the globe.
The themes of the innovation workshops will be Collaboration & Co-creation (hosted by RISE & Ignite), AI & Business (hosted by IKEA & Adverai), People & innovation (Arbetsförmedlingen & Novare) and Smart & Human cities (hosted by Veryday & Urban ICT Arena).
“The innovation workshop themes have been put together by the initiator group behind Innovation Pioneers, with the aim of highlighting different trends and technologies that are impacting organizations today. Each session will focus on innovating around how new technology and human behaviour can affect each participating organization.”
The innovation classes are based on a ‘learning by action’ methodology, meaning that participants will take an active part in the learning process.
Innovation tools to bring back to the organization
During the summit, different innovation methods and tools will be presented. Innovation teams visiting the summit together will gain a common ground and understanding to bring back and continue working on within their organizations.
“Our vision is for every participant to leave the summit fueled with new knowledge and insight, and to gain new tools to bring back to their own organization. This is achieved by putting active learning in the center of the summit, with focus on dialog and interactivity.”
Summit participants work with innovation in different industries and constellations, and are open to sharing their views on innovation principles, struggles and possibilities. Instead of competition, the atmosphere is focused on sharing and openness.
“The participants are a big part of what makes the conference interesting as well! You meet and network with other innovative minds in a context focused on sharing and learning.”
Read more and sign up to Innovation Pioneers Summit 2018 here:
There are already participants signed up from organizations such as Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, SKF, Hultafors group, RISE, Valmet, Stena, Asko, EON, Norrmejerier, Umeå Kommun, Handelsbanken, Tetra-pak, Brighter, Dentatus, Migrationsverket, Arbetsförmedlingen, Altran, Northvolt, Veryday, Novare, Ignite, Uponor, SOS Alarm, IKEA, Claremont and Pernod-Richard.